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08:03 Closed ticket [071bdbd2a8]: Multiple preview panes plus 5 other changes artifact: d35d5ad5df user: tinus
05:15 Ticket [071bdbd2a8]: 3 changes artifact: 7275aa6a19 user: anonymous
05:11 Ticket [071bdbd2a8]: 6 changes artifact: 24679e91e1 user: anonymous
04:41 New ticket [071bdbd2a8]. artifact: bb5768cdf1 user: anonymous

Ticket UUID: 071bdbd2a8a78838c92116f986b92cf9c1a7f501
Title: Multiple preview panes
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Cosmetic Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Not_A_Bug
Last Modified: 2016-03-29 08:03:00
Version Found In:
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2016-03-28 04:41:31:

I tried your HTML preview plugin a couple of weeks ago, and i'm very glad i did, because i check on 4 browsers but not on past ie versions. My site was a mess from ie9 down :(

Would it be possible to have 3 separate previews with ie7 in one, ie8 in another etc?

Could you also add ie6 & 10?

I recently updated Notepad++ and it placed your plugin in a disabled folder. I've downloaded again, and it seems fine now. Just thought you should know.

Many thanks for the plugin, it's helping me a lot with my html and css :)


anonymous added on 2016-03-28 05:11:56:
P.s. Something i just noticed from another post. The plugin About reports that i have ie9 installed, but i use ie11.

tinus (claiming to be Martijn Coppoolse) added on 2016-03-29 08:03:00:
Hi Mark,

Unfortunately, it's not possible to use separate versions of embedded IE in the same program. This is a limitation of the embedded version of IE; incidentally, that's why Notepad++ has to be restarted when changing IE version.

IE6 is not supported, which is also a limitation of embedded IE. IE10 and 11 should be supported, but the version numbering is handled differently than the other versions, which is why older versions of the plugin don't support it. Did you try using the latest version of the plugin?

I had heard that newer versions of Notepad++ disabled this plugin. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to spend on it since. :-(
Thanks for notifying me, anyway!

Glad you find it useful,