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12:25 Closed ticket [98f28803f0]: chrome / Edge level html5 as default rendering level plus 4 other changes artifact: 9d3a06b301 user: tinus
15:31 Ticket [98f28803f0]: 5 changes artifact: 7f5ef9635c user: tinus
19:00 New ticket [98f28803f0]. artifact: 052ce59d3e user: notnow

Ticket UUID: 98f28803f08d76318c873c0ba9a5ffa59e1c5ec5
Title: chrome / Edge level html5 as default rendering level
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Cosmetic Priority: Zero
Subsystem: Resolution: Workaround
Last Modified: 2019-03-16 12:25:15
Version Found In: 1.2.1
User Comments:
notnow added on 2016-10-26 19:00:26:
please consider updating to more recent rendering engine.  IE9 as latest version doesn't install confidence regardless of if it makes that much of a difference in reality.

thanks for this plugin. it is an essential part of our work

tinus added on 2016-10-28 15:31:19:
You could try adding <meta http-equiv="UA-compatible" content="IE=edge"> to your HTML document. It might force the IE preview engine to use the most recent installed version, whatever is in the registry.


tinus added on 2019-03-16 12:25:15:
Also don't forget to set the "IE version" in the plugin's menu to the latest installed (probably IE11). Do make sure you're using the latest version, which can be downloaded from this site's ‘Plugin’ page.