Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Fossil Skins Extra

Artifact [0fc418fe1e]

Artifact 0fc418fe1e823633436a63f6eff90879559bd11e:

  • File features/sql.th1 — part of check-in [82270c3d74] at 2015-02-09 01:52:44 on branch trunk — Split up th1x into individual sections (basic control structures, str, sql functions, and github-specific ui:: functions). Rename changelog to hooks. (user: mario size: 1153)

#-- Whitelist for SQL params
# Just realized this is redundant; because query {} accepts
# uninterpolated \$varnames as parameter placeholders.
proc sql::allowed {str} {
   return [regexp {^[-a-zA-Z0-9 !$&/(){}=<>,.;:_+#*@]+$} $str]
#-- Also prohibit regex special chars
proc sql::allowed_regexp {str} {
   return [regexp {^[-a-zA-Z0-9 !$&/    =<>,.;:_ # @]+$} $str]

#-- Check for existence of wiki page
proc sql::page_exists {name} {
   query {SELECT 1 FROM tag WHERE tagname = ('wiki-' || $name)} { return 1 }
   return 0

#-- Check if exact file name (including path) exists in repository
proc sql::file_exists {name} {
   query {SELECT 1 FROM filename WHERE name = $name} { return 1 }
   return 0

#-- Find file by basename
proc sql::find_file {path} {
   if {![sql::allowed_regexp $path]} { return 0 }
   query {SELECT name FROM filename WHERE name REGEXP ('(^|/)' || $path || '\$')} { return $name }
   return ""

#-- Check if directory exists
proc sql::dir_exists {path} {
   if {![sql::allowed_regexp $path]} { return 0 }
   query {SELECT name FROM filename WHERE name REGEXP ('^' || $path || '/.+')} { return 1 }
   return 0