Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Fossil Skins Extra


Language statistics / bar

The following table is generated by fossil-search-table.php according to contents of the fossil repository:

name type value
lang(cpp) lang 0.1742
lang_color(cpp) color f34b7d
lang(php) lang 0.5208
lang_color(php) color 6e03c1
lang(comments) lang 0.1933
lang_color(comments) color #666 linear-gradient(..)

This makes it easy to export into TH1 variables. The percentages are used for the language-bar block widths. And the colors for styling, obviously. Some default github colors are known, for other language extensions/types just the crc32 of its moniker are used as hex color code.