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Ticket Hash: 6f7dae9d79d7e5e5e4dd4a45a37c9295b572afe1
Title: Remote URL is destroyed on Mac OS
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Critical Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2018-12-10 19:43:39
Version Found In: 2.0.0 Beta
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2018-12-10 19:43:39: (text/html)
<p>The file ~/Library/Preferences/com.fuel-scm.Fuel.plist stores the value for Key Remotes.xxxx.Url incorrectly under Mac OS if you set a username + password for the remote repo. I am using Fuel 2.0 (the binary from the website) under Mac OS 10.12.6 (16G1618). (Thanks for the very useful program!)</p>
<p>It sets the URL to the value "@Variant(" (without the quotes).</p>
<p>I looked through the source code and suspect something odd with src/Utils.cpp, UrlToStringNoCredentials ??? This is just a guess as I have not debugged it.</p>
<p>With the same input under Windows (using Fuel 2.0 EXE), the program performs fine.</p>
<p>I have attempted to edit the .plist manually (using the form http://username:password@my.address/) but it reverts it to @Variant on startup.</p>
<p>It is still possible to manually edit it for the duration of Fuel running but it's annoying to have to set this every time, particularly if autosync is enabled.</p>