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16 check-ins by user tinus
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07:08 | Line endings. Leaf check-in: 8e68f6e19e user: tinus tags: develop | |
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07:49 | Added graphics32 library (for antialiased drawing support later on). check-in: 7323bcc505 user: tinus tags: develop | |
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09:15 | WHEEL_DELTA op 12 ipv 120 gezet voor andere platforms dan Windows. check-in: a95a6beff5 user: tinus tags: develop | |
09:08 | Muiswieltje draaien verandert de kleurtint (loopt de regenboog af). check-in: 9d34b72e1e user: tinus tags: develop | |
08:11 | De muissnelheid on-the-fly kunnen aanpassen met Shift+Alt+Up/Down. Deze onthouden in een .ini. Met Shift+Escape de tekening opslaan en het blad weer leegmaken. check-in: 90ffd07634 user: tinus tags: develop | |
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19:27 | Slow down the mouse sensitivity for the duration of the program (it's for children, after all). Works on Windows, untested on Linux. check-in: 55e48dcebd user: tinus tags: develop | |
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11:08 | Made the changes compile in Lazarus 1.0.10 as well. check-in: 02427c3a51 user: tinus tags: develop | |
10:45 | Added color selection buttons at the bottom. Move the (mouse) cursor using the cursor keys. check-in: 004b9a6753 user: tinus tags: develop | |
10:44 | Ignore hint about unused parameters. check-in: 7df93cda49 user: tinus tags: develop | |
08:21 | Added debug and release build modes to the project. check-in: 4c0cac166d user: tinus tags: develop | |
08:20 | Change cursor depending on drawing mode. check-in: 345996d2bc user: tinus tags: develop | |
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18:21 | Changed parse mode to Delphi, since Lazarus 1.0 doesn't support DelphiUnicode. check-in: e90bec57c7 user: tinus tags: develop | |
18:15 | Middle button picks a random color. Bitmap is now the size of the full desktop. check-in: 4d0f6cf5ac user: tinus tags: develop | |
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16:01 | Added ignore-glob. check-in: 6409f446ba user: tinus tags: develop | |
15:42 | First commit. Working program. check-in: cdec613baa user: tinus tags: develop | |
15:34 | initial empty check-in Leaf check-in: e228009c56 user: tinus tags: trunk | |