Artifact [fa706b1649]
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Artifact fa706b1649e554d3d97493736bc791b6fdf8b68a:

Wiki page [TODO] by MCO 2019-03-01 08:56:53.
D 2019-03-01T08:56:53.759
N text/x-markdown
P d1ac0f568c1b23c9212d82db390176bbe639dc17
W 1479

Add Toggl support

* FetchHoursOnline: `{authorEmail}&workspace_id={workspaceID}&order_desc=off&since={since:yyyy-MM-dd}&until={until:yyyy-MM-dd}` (and parse resulting JSON)
* Fetch today’s first activity; use that as start time
* On Friday, fetch all hours since Monday, cumulate these, subtract from the required weekly hours, and add that to today’s start time + pause time to get the suggested end time, capped at 9 hours maximum. If the suggested end time lies before today’s start time, just use the default end time.
* [API key] in ini file
* [Workspace ID] in ini file (or autodetect if the given API key has only one workspace?)

Additions to .ini:

        Email=<required. Where author can be contacted if Toggl has questions>
        API key=...
        Workspace ID=<if left empty, the first Toggl workspace ID associated with the API key will be inserted>
        First day of week=<0..6 = Sunday..Saturday; defaults to 1 = Monday>
        Last day of week=<0..6 = Sunday..Saturday; defaults to 5 = Friday>
        Hours required=40

Add Google Calendar v3 support?

* Implement authentication
* Use new URLs
* Parse JSON instead of XML

### See also [tickets]

[API key]:
[Workspace ID]:
[tickets]: rptview?rn=1

Z 419f46bd9a7b7ea6b5296674ce6ddf88