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Ticket UUID: 711f922d9aa9c0ad829a71844b8ebcea7162641b
Title: Split button for workdir status and branches
Status: Closed Type: Feature request
Severity: Minor Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Toolbar Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2015-11-30 18:16:26
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User Comments:
tinus added on 2015-11-24 13:37:41: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Currently, the working directory's status is on the same button as the branch name. This was fine, but the expected action is different for the two:

* clicking the 'status' button should show the differences ('thg vdiff' or 'fossil gdiff') when there are any, or just launch 'thg log' or 'fossil ui' when the workdir is clear.
* clicking the 'branches' button should just show the drop-downlist of branches, and allow updating to a different branch

tinus added on 2015-11-30 18:16:26: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Fixed in [9ad9195233].