Coding projects (by others)

Fossil Forum

Forum for discussion of the Fossil DVCS

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A PIC-inspired graphics markup language

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The Fossil SCM library API experiment. "Unofficial but not unsanctioned."

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It is web message board, implemented in pure assembly language. It uses SQLite database and FastCGI interface. The main goal is to have fastest message board engine able to run on very high loads and still have all needed features.

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mORMot and Open Source friends

Host the OpenSource components made available by the Synopse company. mORMot Framework Client-Server Delphi ORM (SQlite3 Oracle MSSQL OleDB ODBC) and interface based Services (like WCF): database access, User Interface generation, security, i18n and reporting are handled in a safe and fast SOA AJAX JSON RESTful model. PDF Engine is an Open Source PDF document creation library for Delphi, embedded in one unit. Use a true TCanvas to create the PDF, and embed True Type fonts subsets. Unicode ready. GDI+ SynGdiPlus unit: some TGraphic descendants are registered in your application to load and save GIF, TIF, PNG and JPG pictures. It also allows antialiased drawing from any TMetaFile.

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This is a user guide for Fossil. It will show a new user how to setup and use this wonderfully simple source control system.

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interactive text-based user interface for fossil

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Graphical Diff Utility

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The AGPLv3 codebase behind

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GIMP Script-fu

Here a some of the GIMP Script-fu scripts I have written over the years.

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Fossil Skins Extra

Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM. <span style=color:red>Public write access</span>, just make an account.

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Fossil Skins Extra

Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM

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Codes divers

Divers bouts de code de ma composition

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Extended fossil management commands - Scripts to maintain a mirror from fossil to git. - Watching a fossil repository (RSS) and sending mail on ticket changes.

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A cross platform GUI for Fossil

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A version of the popular Tortoise-style tools for Fossil SCM.

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fossil markdown patches

This project provides patches to enable markdown in the ticket system. For you have to place * edit-ticket.th1 * new-ticket.th1 * view-ticket.tha to the respective templates in Admin/Tickets

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Codes divers

Divers bouts de code de ma composition

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About this site

This page lists a few projects that I've cloned from elsewhere.

Some of them still sync with the original repository, and in some cases I keep a local (private) branch with my own tweaks and additions.

Recent ticket activity

Re: wiki inserts P tags in tables
Applied [here](/info/6f94da9b6b2). Thank you!
Re: `fossil up VERSION filename` doesn't add the file to the current branch
Closing as part of periodic cleanup.
Re: Referencing a file with an absolute path inside of the repository doesn't work
Closing as part of periodic cleanup.
Re: Can't open files by relative paths on Windows
Closing as part of periodic cleanup.
Re: Timeline entries seemd to be skipped when using Older
Closing as part of periodic cleanup.