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Artifact 29a2152072b3e4bbf0e5aa896805e2f53d3b8ec6:

Wiki page [Installation] by tinus 2019-02-08 07:37:36.
D 2019-02-08T07:37:36.891
L Installation
N text/x-markdown
P ae6b5f7f2c5e59db9f813da6548cfaed1f350e44
U tinus
W 1041
# Installation

The Preview plugin can be installed in the following ways:

1. Using the Plugin Admin (since Notepad++ version 7.?.?)
2. Manually

<font color="red">*(this page is a work in progress)*</font>

## Using the Plugin Admin

*(to be done)*

## Manual installation

1. Check if you've got a 64-bits version of Notepad++, or a 32-bits version.
2. Download the relevant latest version of the plugin:
  * [64-bits]()
  * [32-bits](zip/
3. Extract the zip file to the plugins directory:
  * For Notepad++ versions 7.?.? and up, the DLL should end up in `$(PLUGINSDIR)\Preview HTML`
  * For Notepad++ version before 7.?.?, the DLL should end up directly in `$(PLUGINSDIR)`

### Note about `$(PLUGINSDIR)`

The plugins directory can be located at `%AppData%\Notepad++\plugins`, or just below the directory containing `notepad++.exe`, e.g. `C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins`.

To find out where your `%AppData%` is located, you paste it into the address bar of Windows Explorer.

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