Artifact [5a0501a6d8]
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Artifact 5a0501a6d85b78dec8733c768c9e4468e1d47412:

Ticket change [5a0501a6d8] - Closed ticket [eabf6fadf1]: Need ability to jump back to where I was after a change in the source plus 5 other changes by tinus 2018-08-22 16:17:59.
D 2018-08-22T16:17:59.958
J icomment Hi,\sI\sfound\sthe\sanswer\sto\smy\sproblem\sabout\sHTML\sPreview\sjumping\sto\sthe\stop\sof\sthe\sfile\safter\severy\skeystroke:\sI\sjust\sset\sit\sfor\sExplorer\s11\sversion!
J login tinus
J mimetype text/x-fossil-plain
J resolution Works_As_Designed
J status Closed
J username HBinswanger
K eabf6fadf12d6a0a7e49aab18f3eeccb69bffaee
U tinus
Z 0acf78559d9b1929cf0abff870359168