Artifact [d2e1b98b50]
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Artifact d2e1b98b5043ba7ec8e41182b4eca87f17445248:

Wiki page [Filters] by tinus 2019-02-11 07:13:17.
D 2019-02-11T07:13:17.439
L Filters
N text/x-markdown
P b500f4d71cd09a313a9cdcfe9fb3f1027bc2f8ff
U tinus
W 925

By default, the preview plugin only displays a preview of HTML or XML files — and for XML files, only when they contain a [processing-instruction][1] for a stylesheet.

Filters are a way to pre-process other files than HTML or XML so they _can_ be previewed.


Filters are defined in a special `filters.ini` file in the Config directory. From version 1.3 of the plugin, there's a menu option to open the filter configuration file.

Check out the [sample filter definition](artifact?ci=publish&filename=Config/PreviewHTML/filters.sample.ini) in the plugin's `Config` directory:

<iframe src="raw?ci=publish&filename=Config/PreviewHTML/filters.sample.ini&m=text/plain" style="width:98%;bottom:0px" onload=" +'px';"></iframe>

Z 20744b7a9d636bf38515acf887866ecc