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Ticket UUID: 918e4f16a57fc8a2a17326c592a3d630a81ed0dc
Title: preview all file types
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Zero
Subsystem: (Other) Resolution: Works_As_Designed
Last Modified: 2019-03-17 11:38:59
Version Found In: 1.2.1
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2015-01-28 19:02:27:
This plugin limits it's use to html files, but I don't see why it couldn't be changed to preview html code from all file types including unsaved files.

tinus added on 2015-01-29 03:53:24:
What preview would you want to see for other file types? 

Version [v1.3.1.0] attempts showing a preview of other file types as well; you can specify what command should be performed to preview that file. But in general, it doesn't make much sense to preview plain text when plain text is clearly visible in Notepad++ itself.

Unfortunately, 1.3 appears to have some fundamental stability issues.